How to Combat Student Apathy in Middle School Math - Make Sense of Math

How to Combat Student Apathy in Middle School Math

How to combat student apathy in middle school math

10 + 2 Tips to Help with Student Apathy in Middle School Math Class

I recently did a survey asking middle school math teachers what is their greatest challenge when teaching middle school math.

I received hundreds of responses, and by far, the number one response was student apathy.  

It is definitely a hard battle.  How do you teach math, when students' just are interested in learning about math.  

Here are my Top 10 + 2 Tips to help combat student apathy. 

1. Create a positive learning environment
2. Connect math to real-life applications
3. Make math fun and engaging
4. Set clear expectations
5. Differentiate instruction
6. Relate math to student interests
7. Break down complex concepts
8. Celebrate achievements
9. provide real-world challenges
10. Offer choices and autonomy
11. Show the beauty of math
12. Encourage a growth mindset

This Growth Mindset Personal Evaluation is a great way to encourage a growth mindset in your classroom. This activity helps students become self-aware of their math mindset and aim for growth.

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How to combat student apathy in middle school math

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